The VanderSelf Regimen

Devised years ago as a method of readying Family members for their future upgrades, the VanderSelf regimen is now widely accepted as a healthy and wholesome plan to keep mind and body healthy at all times. Sticking to this regimen is both fun and required!



You must keep a Board-approved Family Symbol on you at all times, including but not limited to The Shape, the Linking Sigil, the Queen of Leaves, the seal of the Church of Vanderstank, or the Old Vanderstank Sigil. The Symbol may be on a well-preserved card or piece of paper in a pocket or wallet, worn as clothing, or in special cases, as a tattoo. Any Family member found without a Family Symbol on their person will be terminated immediately.

Polylateral Time System


You must abide by the Correct Order of Meals ("The Meal Wheel") as discovered by the Vanderstank Family researchers: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Lunch, Breakfast. The times may vary somewhat, but all five meals are to be eaten in that order every day. Those members accustomed to a three-meal day may find reducing their meal sizes helps account for the higher number of meals.

For example, a common Vanderstank Family meal schedule is:
